The series' first season was directed by Songyos Sugmakanan, and was broadcast on satellite channel GMM One and online from May to August 2013. It also distinguished itself by featuring controversial issues such as teenage sex and pregnancy, homosexuality and school violence. and production values more usually associated with filmmaking. Breaking the mould of Thai television, which typically features Thai soap operas and sitcoms, Hormones was conceived with a style more commonly found in the U.S. The show follows the lives and relationships of a group of secondary school students as they go through school and home life and face various issues. Hormones (Full title: Hormones: Wai Wawun, 'Hormones: วัยว้าวุ่น'), promoted as Hormones: The Series, is a Thai teen drama television series produced by GTH and first broadcast in 2013. As with Drama Wiki, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU Free Documentation License. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. This page uses content from an article at Wikipedia.